This Advanced Well Test training course will be delivered through thoughtfully prepared slides, incorporating animations to address relevant topics. Each participant will receive a comprehensive printed manual containing all the presentation slides, and/or an electronic version in PDF format. Additionally, our teaching approach encompasses pre and post-evaluation assessments on relevant subject matter to enhance the learning experience.
Organizations will experience both direct and indirect benefits, including:
- Improved efficiency in conducting well tests, leading to reduced downtime and lower operational costs
- Increased job satisfaction, which can result in lower turnover rates as employees feel more valued and secure in their roles
- Empowered employees who make better decisions regarding well test design, equipment selection, and interpretation, positively impacting the organization’s overall performance
- A workforce that is more adaptable and capable of responding effectively to evolving industry trends and challenges due to a strong understanding of advanced well testing concepts
Participants will acquire the following skills and knowledge:
- Establish a strong understanding of well testing principles and the foundational theories that drive well testing operations
- Develop the ability to interpret well test data effectively, a crucial skill for optimizing well performance and identifying potential issues
- Explore advanced topics such as variable rate well test analysis, dual porosity systems, and radial composite systems, gaining expertise in managing complex well scenarios and data
- Learn how to design well tests, including the key decision-making criteria, objectives, and the role of simulation in the process
- Become proficient with various well test equipment and tools, allowing them to plan and execute tests effectively
- Gain practical knowledge of the operational aspects of well testing, ensuring safe and efficient test execution
- Apply their learning to real-life case studies, enhancing their problem-solving and decision-making abilities in well testing operations
This Advanced Well Test training course is designed for all industry professionals & engineers across oil and gas upstream who directly involved in well test operations, dealing with service companies offering well testing and professional with basic reservoir engineering knowledge:
- Geologists
- Petrophysicists
- Reservoir Engineers
- Supervisors or managers involved in formation evaluation, reserve estimation and general reservoir engineering
Day One: Well Test Fundamentals and Theories
- Background to Transient Pressure Analysis
- Radial Flow Theory
- Diffusivity Equation for Radial Inflow
- Transient, Steady State and Pseudo-Steady State Flow
- Wellbore Storage & Skin Effect
- Radius of Investigation
- Pressure Build-up and Flow Tests
- Interpretation Techniques
Day Two: Well Test Interpretation and Analysis
- Basic Well Test Interpretation
- Semi-infinite System Late Transient Analysis
- Well in a Bounded Drainage Area
- Variable Rate Well Test Analysis
- Channel Sands and Parallel Faults
- Constant-pressure Boundaries
- Vertically Fractured Wells
- Dual Porosity Systems
- Limited Entry and Double Perm
Day Three: Well Test Design & Equipment
Part 1: Test Design
- Introduction to Test Design
- Decision to Test or Not
- Objectives of the Test
- Design Criteria
- Role of Simulation in Test Design
Part 2: Well Test Equipment & Tools
- Test String Equipment
- Safety Barriers and Sub-Surface Safety Systems
- Data Acquisition
- Surface Testing Equipment
- Drill Stem Testing - DST
- Repeat Formation Tester (RFT) & Modular Formation Dynamic Tester (MDT)
Day Four: Special Well Tests
- Gas Well Testing
- Layered Well Testing
- Horizontal Wells
- Multiple-Well Testing
- Vertical Interference Testing
- Measurements while perforating
- Impulse Testing
- Closed-chamber DST
- Water Injection Wells
- Pumping Wells
Day Five: Well Test Operation & Case Studies
- General Roles & Responsibilities
- Preparing the Well for Testing
- Test String Installation
- Well Test Procedures
- Well Test Data Requirement
- Sampling
- Wireline Operations
- Hydrate Prevention
- Nitrogen Operations
- Offshore Coiled Tubing Operations
- Well Killing Abandonment
- Field Cases