This 5-day accelerated Global Energy Markets & Pricing training course is designed to give delegates a comprehensive picture of the global energy obtained through fossil fuels and renewal sources. The overall dynamics of global energy industry are explained with the supply-demand dynamics of fossil fuels, their price volatility, and the associated geopolitics.
The energy sources include crude oil, natural gas, LNG, refined products, and renewables – solar, wind, hydro, and nuclear energy. The focus on the issues to be considered on the sales, marketing, trading and special focus on the price risk management.
By the end of this training course, the participants will be able to:
- Gain broad perspective of global oil and refined products sales business, supply, transportation, refining, marketing & trading
- Boost their understanding on the fundamentals of oil business: quality, blending & valuation of crude oil for trade, freight and netback calculations, refinery margins calculations, & vessel chartering
- Master the Total barrel economics, Oil market futures, hedging and futures, and price risk management
- Evaluate the technical, commercial, legal and trading aspects of oil business with the International, US, UK, and Singapore regulations
- Confidently discuss the technical, commercial, contractual, legal, financial regulatory concepts and buzzwords with your peers and clients
This highly interactive Global Energy Markets & Pricing training programme is designed to encourage delegate participation through a combination of group discussion, practical exercises case studies, quizzes and an extensive use of short videos highlighting the petrochemical operations, environmental and safety considerations to reinforce new knowledge and skills, and discussion of practical issues in their organizations.
This training course is designed to train and improve the business knowledge of a wide range of professionals as follows:
- Business Development Managers
- Corporate Planning Professionals
- Sales, Marketing, Trading Personnel
- Supply Planning, Scheduling & Logistics Professionals
- Geoscience & Engineering Professionals
- Refinery Professionals
- Government Regulators
- Law Professionals
- Tax & Finance Advisors
- Auditing Personnel
- Compliance Officers
- Media Personnel who interface with traders and trading
- Equity Analyst and Bankers
- Joint Venture Officers
- Negotiators and Contracting Professionals
- Bank Official
Day One: Essential Petroleum Upstream Practices
- Introduction to Course
- Introduction to How Oil was Formed
- Fundamentals of Oil & Gas Geology and Petroleum Engineering
- Well Logging and Well Completion
- Essence of International Oil Supply – Global Reserves, Production & Trade
- Fundamentals of Oil Economics
- Renewables Sources of Energy and their Levelized Cost
Day Two: Crude Oil Trading - Big Picture
- The Evolution of International Oil Pricing System – The Big Picture
- Trading Physical Crude Oil and its Logistics
Day Three: Refined Products Prices and Trading
- The Trading Refined Products
- Refining I – Basic
- Refining II – Conventional Refinery Upgrading
- The Price of Refined Oil Products
Day Four: Energy Price Risk Management
- Oil Products Price Risk Management
- Measuring Risk
- The Forward Market
- The Future Market
- The Swaps Market
- The Options
- Crack Spreads
Day Five: Legal and Regulatory Issues
- Legal and Regulatory Issues
- International
- United States
- United Kingdom
- Singapore
- Controlling Financial Risk