This Managing Collaborative Development training course focuses on the challenges and rewards of development through collaboration. It sets out a detailed process that clarifies how alliances and joint ventures should be structured and managed and enables delegates to familiarise themselves with leading-edge thinking and best practice in this increasingly important activity.
This training course will examine in depth the unique managerial challenges that a collaborative development approach presents and will demonstrate how to apply due diligence in making operating decisions that maximise the potential for achieving and sustaining profitable growth through selection of best available investors and partners.
Due diligence is required across all business decisions that affect every aspect of an organisation’s activities. Within the scope of development based on balancing effective internal and external relationships we focus on the unique managerial challenges of meeting the requirements of multiple players – our own organisation, investors, partners. We will study in detail how to create and apply a structured business process that is aimed at increasing the impact and potential of the choices we make in attracting investors and partners in taking our business forward.
This Energy Training Centre training course will highlight the following key topics:
- Aligning the needs and strategies of multiple stakeholders
- The principle of stakeholder value and its strategic relevance
- Turning an independent investor into a committed partner
- Continuous improvement and innovation in these major relationships
- “Collaborate To Compete” – the new concept in business development
At the end of this Managing Collaborative Development training course, you will learn how to:
- Fulfill the different objectives of multiple and varied stakeholders
- Analyse and evaluate the performance and potential of stakeholders
- Collaborate effectively with current and potential investors and partners
- Create business and management processes based on due diligence
- Execute due diligence into all strategic and operational decisions
The training process is based on a balance of leading-edge learning mechanisms. This will offer delegates the opportunity of discussing the challenges faced by their own organisations. The emphasis throughout will be in adapting best practice to each participating sponsor, including case experience of organisations with which the training course leader has been personally involved.
Specifically, we will use the following training methods:
- Presentations on the fundamental principles of building investor and partner relations
- Group work on case studies based on specific issues of due diligence activity
- Video presentations by external specialists on specific aspects of our subject
- Interactive discussion of case examples of investor / partner relations
- Creating personal and team plans for effective application of the training course
In sending delegates to this Managing Collaborative Development training course, the company will gain the following benefits:
- Improved management of investor relations at all levels of the organisation
- Improved management of partner relations at all levels of the organisation
- Better strategic and operational decisions by managerial staff
- A broader and more creative view of choice in mechanisms of development
- Identification of opportunities for development in and beyond current activities
- A more innovative approach to creating organisational development initiatives
In attending this Managing Collaborative Development training course delegates will acquire the following skills and competencies:
- Widening the scope of business opportunities and relationships
- Greater confidence in implementing innovative approaches in management
- High-level understanding of the relevance and value of due diligence activities
- Greater confidence in dealing with partners and investors
- Enhancing the attractiveness of the organization to potential investors and partners
- Leadership in introducing best practice in due diligence to all teams
This Managing Collaborative Development training course is designed to be relevant for a very wide range of experienced professionals - for example, the following categories of managers:
- Data Managers and Analysts
- Alliance and Joint Venture Specialists
- Investor Relations Specialists
- Asset and Facilities Managers
- Human Resource Managers
- Other individuals whose professional future would be enhanced by an understanding of current best practice in investor / partner analysis and appraisal
Day One: Understanding the Requirements of Due Diligence in Investor Evaluation
- How an investor analyses and evaluates an investment opportunity?
- Understanding the Criteria and Approaches of Different Types of Investor
- The Investor’s Perspective – profitability, growth, future viability
- A Due Diligence Model that Facilitates and Supports our Choice of Investor
- Managing Investor Relations as our Organisation Develops and Changes
Day Two: Understanding the Requirements of Due Diligence in Partner Evaluation
- The Strategic Rationale for Partnership
- The Various Forms of Partnership
- The Process of Partner Identification
- Financial Evaluation of Potential Partners
- Non-financial Evaluation of Potential Partners
Day Three: Applying Due Diligence in Evaluating Partnerships
- Identifying Resources Required – complementary or additional
- Determining the Characteristics of Potential Partner(s)
- Tools and Techniques for Initial Screening
- The Guiding Principle of “Tissue Match”
- Reducing the Long List to a Short List
- Refining the Short-list Process
- Summary of the Complete Process and Agreeing the Short List
Day Four: Applying Due Diligence in Managing Partnerships
- The Managerial Differences between a Strategic Alliance and a Joint Venture
- The Process of Agreeing the Business Case
- Negotiating the Terms of an Alliance or a Joint Venture
- Choosing the Most Effective Partnership Structure
- The Life-cycle of the Partnership and the Challenge of Renewal
Day Five: Learning Applications
- Use of Relevant Data and Information to Support Decisions
- Due Diligence in Aligning Strategy and Operations
- Due Diligence in Scenario Forecasting and Strategic Choice
- How to Apply Themes 1-5 in this Company
- Discussion – Interaction – Agreeing Priorities for the Company
- Delegates’ Personal Plans for Follow-up Action