Having an agile and highly strategic organisation which is able to respond to the fast-paced world of national and global change is increasingly important in today’s world. This Agile Business Strategy and Organisational Development for Sustainable Growth training course will focus around the key areas required to develop a truly Agile organisation through strong Leadership, Management, People and Strategy.
The training course will provide the key skills, techniques and practical tools to lead key Business Strategy and Organisational Development to provide an Agile organisation. This is essential development at all levels of Leadership to ensure the smooth operation of Agile Business and Organisational Strategies to deal with the ‘new norm’.
The Energy Training Centre training course will highlight:
- An understanding of Agile Business Strategy on the organisational and personal impact on the business
- How to learn from major impacts on organisational growth
- Ensuring the organisation is fit for purpose through active organisational development strategies incorporating talent and succession planning
- The key factors for creating and implementing rapid, agile business and organisation strategies
- The key development and assessment to and engage your Agile Team for success
- Engaging and communicating plans and strategies to maximum impact with key stakeholders
At the end of this Agile Business Strategy and Organisational Development for Sustainable Growth training course, you will learn to:
- Understand impact of business strategy on the organisational
- Learn from key impacts on organisational growth
- Review lean processes and alternative organisational development methods
- Ensure the organisation is fit for purpose through active organisational development strategies incorporating talent and succession planning
- Develop and engage your Agile Team for success
- Create and implement rapid, agile business and organisation strategies
- Engage key stakeholders to maximise communicating plans and strategies
The Agile Business Strategy and Organisational Development for Sustainable Growth training course will utilize a variety of adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This will include highly interactive group and individual activities, targeted case studies, relevant practical exercises, and videos. This will be facilitated learning through direct input, discussion, and encouragement to test and critically appraise theories, models, and concepts.
Organisations will maximise their benefit by:
- Developing future leaders of organisational growth
- Having more agile thinking leaders
- Gaining more strategically OD focused personnel
- Creating pro-active strategies and tactical plans
- Forward thinking leaders
As a delegate attending this Agile Business Strategy and Organisational Development for Sustainable Growth training course, you will:
This Agile Business Strategy and Organisational Development for Sustainable Growth training course is suitable to a wide range of strategy, business and leadership professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Strategy/ HR / OD/ Business Directors
- HR/OD / Business Leaders
- Senior Managers involved in OD / Business Development
- Managers in the Business, HR/OD and Strategy functions
Day One: Organisation Business Strategy for an Agile World
- Key Strategy and models and concepts
- Defining Agile Strategy: Its roots in Kaizen
- The importance of tactical and operational planning
- Managing direct and rapid change
- Creating the ‘hazy’ vision in uncertain times
- Developing an agile strategy
Day Two: Agile Organisational Development (OD) Strategy
- Defining Organisational Development (OD)
- The importance of OD in organisational success
- Workforce planning: Ensuring capability
- Talent and Succession Planning: The life-blood for success
- Creating the agile organisation
- OD strategy: Lessons learnt
Day Three: Building the Organisation Team Structure
- Understanding agile team dynamics
- Factors in creating agile teams
- Team roles: Profile assessment
- Operating with a virtual / remote team
- Team performance measures: Self-motivating teams
- Developing a team culture
Day Four: Tactical Operations: Quick, Rapid Decision-Making
- Responsive tactical reviews and SCRUM methods
- Conditions needed for daily briefings
- Conducting agile meetings: Overcoming blockers and resistance
- Rapid decision-making tools and techniques
- Asking the right questions for multiple operational goals
- Ensuring actions are implemented
Day Five: Communicating the Agile Plan
- Lessons learnt from history: Agile implementation
- Principles of business communication
- Developing a communication plan
- Engaging key stakeholders and delivering your message
- Embedding agile into the organisation
- Summary work and next steps