Process Plant Optimization plays a crucial role in today’s industrial landscape. To achieve meaningful optimization benefits, production costs, including operational downtime, must be minimized. This requires effective management of maintenance operations as well as optimizing equipment reliability and plant availability. It also involves implementing strong inspection and maintenance strategies and planning methods. Plant optimization can significantly contribute to enhanced profitability.
An essential component of process plant optimization is managing energy consumption and reducing energy use. Industrial processes and systems offer considerable potential for cost savings. Additionally, process improvements such as advanced controls and the adoption of new technologies create opportunities for further optimization.
This Energy Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement training course will offer a comprehensive review of various aspects of process plant integrity, laying the foundation for sustainable plant profitability and optimization.
The objectives of this Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement training course are to:
- Help participants understand the key components of plant optimization and how to achieve and realize its potential benefits
- Strengthen participants' business acumen and empower them to contribute to sustainable plant profitability
- Equip maintenance professionals, planners, and engineers with the knowledge to choose the most suitable methodologies for maintenance decision-making
- Teach how to identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption
- Provide participants with practical tools and methods to conduct technical and economic evaluations of alternative approaches
This Energy Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement training course will be conducted along workshop principles with formal lectures and interactive worked examples. The emphasis in this training will be on the explanation of all technical phenomena and providing answers to problems that are encountered in everyday industrial practice related to maintenance, repair and alterations of process equipment. Each learning point will be reinforced with practical examples. There will be ample opportunities for active discussion and sharing professional experiences and exchange that will help solidify the gained knowledge. All course materials will be provided.
Optimizing process plant operations, including equipment efficiency, energy consumption, and maintenance management, is crucial for the financial success of an organization. Upon completing this Energy Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement training course, delegates will be equipped to critically assess the methodologies used within their organization and implement necessary improvements.
Technical expertise is essential for effective control and earning peer respect within any process plant organization. This Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement training course will equip delegates with the technical knowledge and skills needed to excel in their professional roles. The knowledge and experience gained during the course will not only enhance their capabilities but also provide a sense of personal achievement.
- Process plant technical professionals: engineers, technicians and operators
- Engineers, supervisors, operations and maintenance personnel, as well as for project engineers
- Engineering and technical personnel involved in improving process plant profitability and energy efficiency
Day One: Overview of Optimization Technologies
- Overview of Optimization Technologies for Process Plants
- Elements of Process Plant Optimization Procedure
- Constraints in Optimization: Production, Operation, Economy and Environment
- Optimization Approaches: Mathematical Models and Physical Models – prototype units
- Correlation between Process Optimization and Process Control in Typical Process Plant
- Workshop: Examples and Solutions
Day Two: Reliability, Availability and Effectiveness
- Relationship between Plant Reliability and Availability
- Optimization of Plant Reliability
- Optimization of Plant Availability through Improved Maintenance
- Analysis of Effectiveness of Individual Equipment
- Optimization of Overall Plant Effectiveness
- Workshop: Examples and Solutions
Day Three: Best Practices for Energy Consumption
- Optimization Strategies Aimed at Energy Consumption Reduction
- World Standards and Benchmarking Guidelines
- Best Practices in Process Plant Energy Management
- Energy Conservation Check List in Typical Industrial Plants
- Optimization of Heat Production and Steam Distribution and Consumption
- Workshop: Examples and Solutions
Day Four: Maintenance Management System
- Optimization of Utilization of Piping Systems and Pipelines
- Optimization of Utilization of Pumps, Compressors and Fans
- Optimization of Maintenance Management System and Frequency of Maintenance
- Optimization of Spare Parts Management through Predictive Maintenance
- Optimization of Repair and Alteration Programs in Accordance to Existing Codes
- Workshop: Examples and Solutions
Day Five: Minimization of Equipment Failure
- Risk Based Inspection (RBI)
- Procedures for Minimizing Risk of Equipment Failure
- Fitness For Service (FFS) Analysis and Estimate of Remaining Life of Equipment
- Optimization of Plant Economy through Planned Equipment Replacement