This Petrographic and Reservoir Quality Analysis of Siliciclastic and Carbonate Reservoirs training course addresses key challenges encountered in the exploration of oil and gas reservoirs, specifically focusing on the factors that influence the reservoir quality of siliciclastic and carbonate rocks.
Through innovative petrographic analysis techniques, this Energy training course will:
- Enhance the understanding of petrographic and diagenetic indicators used to assess reservoir quality in exploration targets.
- Clarify the differences between siliciclastic and carbonate rocks in terms of their depositional environments, provenance, initial porosity, and how porosity evolves during burial.
- Guide the selection of the most effective petrographic analytical methods for core samples, cuttings, and outcrop rocks, aimed at optimizing the completion of geological studies for specific exploration plays.
By participating in the Petrographic and Reservoir Quality Analysis of Siliciclastic and Carbonate Reservoirs training course, you will be able to:
- Master petrographic techniques used to analyze sedimentary rocks.
- Differentiate between siliciclastic and carbonate sediments, focusing on the primary factors that influence reservoir quality.
- Recognize key petrographic and diagenetic markers for paleo-environmental and diagenetic reconstructions.
- Apply advanced analytical methods to enhance ongoing or upcoming geological projects.
- Use petrographic data to correlate sedimentary sequences across various samples.
- Develop a comprehensive multi-well petrographic and reservoir quality model to support regional exploration initiatives.
This Energy Petrographic and Reservoir Quality Analysis of Siliciclastic and Carbonate Reservoirs training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Sedimentary geologists of service and oil companies
- Junior to mid-level geologists carrying out rock-based geological projects
- Sedimentologists who need to be conversant on reservoir quality concepts
- Petrographers of small and large oil-industry organizations
- PhD students in sedimentary geology of academic institutions
Training Course Outline
- Introduction to Siliciclastic and Carbonate Reservoirs with emphasis on controls on reservoir quality
- Sandstone composition, provenance, diagenesis and tectonic settings
- Carbonate composition (allochems, orthochems), classification and diagenesis
- Petrographic analyses (TS, SEM, CL), XRD, QEMSCAN and integration of reservoir quality results
- Porosity classification, porosity evolution vs. burial depth, stratigraphy, composition, authigenic components and diagenetic phases/environments
- Examples of current oil/gas reservoirs in terms of petrography vs. stratigraphy & reservoir quality