We have heard a lot about Hydrogen and different colour associated with Hydrogen, but what is the colour of Hydrogen? Why different colours, and what is the difference in green Hydrogen? With many innovations and recent development, the production of green Hydrogen is getting cheaper every year. We are at a stage that mass production of green Hydrogen is a reality, and it is going to change our economy and manufacturing sector completely. But there are so many other factors and parameters that need to be considered for any hydrogen project.
This training course will discuss different aspects of green Hydrogen and green hydrogen projects and identify the main points to improving the efficiency and sustainability of green hydrogen projects. Using various case studies and what has been done around the world will shine the light upon the required criteria for making a green hydrogen project a success. Green hydrogen projects will be investigated from economic and environmental aspects and how we can make them sustainable.
By the end of this training course, the participants will be able to:
- Understand the green Hydrogen and its principle
- Apply green Hydrogen in different industries and its requirements
- Analyse the shifts and required actions
- Plan for moving toward this change
- Position the company in a way to take advantage of this shift
- Determine if moving toward Hydrogen can benefit their company
The participants on this training course will receive thorough training utilising a variety of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques includes online presentation and media, discussion, problem-solving and group activities.
Organisations can benefit tremendously by sending their employees to this training. Some of these benefits are summarised here, but it is not limited to:
- Having a skilled workforce to leading projects in Hydrogen and green shifts
- Finding the best approach to getting the maximum benefit from this change in the economy
- Identifying the best approach for their company and projects to move toward hydrogen economy and be in the frontline of this shift
- Obtaining a great network of aligned companies and individuals who can collaborate on different projects
- Training employees to thinking outside the box and learning the massive skill of problem-solving
- Training employees to learn how they can bring more revenue from this massive pull of money and projects in the Hydrogen area
Employees benefits are massive, like the following:
- Knowledge a new skill that enables massive career growth
- Learning a new set of skills in Hydrogen and be ready for the next big shift
- Learning a skill that is in high demand and will stay in high demand in the next couple of decades
- Finding the niche expertise that enables different leading projects in this area
- Learning the skill and knowledge to leading the company shift toward a hydrogen economy
- Being part of a great network of professionals in this area for future collaboration
This training course has been designed to address the current industry need and will delivered in a way that equip the participant with real and practical knowledge and ready to be implemented.
This training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals and will greatly benefit:
- Individuals who are leading or actively engaging in a program in a company that is dealing with Hydrogen and clean energy
- Those who aspire to learn about this new subject for finding a unique job opportunity
- Entrepreneurs who want to establish a new business in this area and want to use this fantastic opportunity of hydrogen economy to create the next big business
- Anybody else who likes to learn more and wants to use this opportunity to find their aspiration to help to create a better world through this hydrogen shift
- Hydrogen and its principle
- Different types of Hydrogen
- Hydrogen production pathways
- Why Hydrogen and its benefits?
- Understanding hydrogen and its effect on the environment
- Advantage of Green Hydrogen and its limitation
- Green Hydrogen and mass-scale production
- Advantages and limitations of green Hydrogen
- Required infrastructure
- How to make this shift?
- Requirements and Barriers
- Understanding the shift
- What are the requirements?
- What can we do and when?
- How will this shift affect the market?
- Should we start now?
- New opportunities and limitations
- How can we make this industry more sustainable?
- Areas of innovation to create the shift
- Innovative solutions for Hydrogen production
- The real implementation of sustainable solutions in the hydrogen industry
- Hydrogen implementation by Companies
- Recent shifts toward hydrogen in different countries
- Big private investments in this area
- How a billionaire tries to empower the hydrogen economy?
- Where from here?