The art and science of management is, sadly, one of the most poorly defined, least understood and inadequately implemented organisational functions essential to all operations. This situation is not helped by the common confusion between management and leadership. Unhelpfully, leadership consistently enjoys all the attention and limelight as it is seen to be the more attractive, dynamic and essential of the pair.
Our current interpretation and practice of management continues to be heavily influenced by 19th and 20th century approaches that were predicated upon automation, efficiency and predictability. This approach was pioneered by such management giants as Henry Fayol, Frederick Winslow Taylor and Yoichi Ueno. More recently management practice has been influenced by Harold Koontz, Cyril O’Donnell, Luther Gulick, Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, Warren Bennis, John Kotter and Jim Collins. Whilst the administrative core of these functions might still be relevant in many roles, the fundamental changes in employee and customer demographics have made many traditional management practices dubious at best and positively damaging at worst.
The Boston Advanced Operational Management training course has therefore been designed to address these issues using a dynamic, powerful and highly practical new model of management practice – the Q-OPD Full-Range Management Model© – that is based upon field studies, expert opinion, organisational psychology and management science.
Not only will this training course make the key functions and requisite skills for management very clear, it will also provide you with the tools and techniques required to achieve a very high level of competence and confidence in carrying them out in the real world.
This Energy Training Centre training course will highlight for you:
- The critical differences between management and leadership and, paradoxically, how they complement each other
- The five pairs of management functions that are required in today’s organisations
- The ‘meta’ core skills that need to be mastered by both managers and leaders
- The psychology of management
- Disruptive new management practices and principles
The Boston Advanced Operational Management training course is designed to help you:
- Know with certainty, throughout your working day, what management function you need to display – from the full range available to you
- Retain valuable traditional management functions and implement highly effective new approaches
- Understand the situation awareness, communication and influence imperatives of your role
- Differentiate ‘hygiene factors’ from ‘motivators’ to obtain the discretionary effort and optimal performance of your staff
- Design and implement a career development strategy for yourself and, by extension, for your subordinates
As the training course is structured around the Full-Range Management Model©, the composite skills will be covered in the sequence in which you will likely apply them in the workplace. Carefully designed individual and group exercises will help you to apply all concepts as soon as they are discussed as well as providing you with the opportunity to share your own experiences and insights with your fellow delegates. In addition, mini-case studies will illustrate how others have applied the principles in their own organisations and role plays will enable you to both take part and observe techniques in action.
An internationally-developed personality questionnaire will be used to give you an insight into your own thinking and behaviour, the different personas you display in the workplace and your unique contribution to the organisation.
The organisation will benefit from managers who are:
- Skilled in displaying the most appropriate management function in any situation
- Able to use an understanding of personality and communication psychology to optimise the performance of their staff
- Fully aware of the serious limitations of traditional management practices in obtaining performance from their multi-generational workforce
- Comfortable adopting an increasingly facilitative rather than directive role
- Able to elicit higher levels of sustainable commitment and productivity from their staff
You will be exposed to a range of different approaches to not only understand yourself and others but also to elicit the discretionary effort of your staff. You will also have the confidence to carry out your role knowing that your decisions and actions are being informed by one of the most carefully researched models of management available anywhere. This will enable you to stand out from your colleagues when observed by your organisation’s senior management. Should you be fulfilling a joint management and leadership role you will be empowered by appreciating both the differences and the complementarities of both remits. These competencies and insights can be used in many different areas of your professional and personal life and will make you considerably more successful and valuable in today’s highly competitive job market.
The Boston Advanced Operational Management training course is suitable to a wide range of Ambitious Professionals , but will greatly benefit:
- Supervisors who wish to add to their directing and monitoring remit
- Junior to Middle-level Managers who want to optimise their management skills
- Senior Managers who want to be able to develop more junior managers
- Managers who fulfil a purely management role
- Staff who have a joint leadership / management role
- Individuals who are making the transition to the senior management team
Day One: Clearly Distinguishing Managing from Leading and Looking at their Shared Core Skills
Defining the Unique, Essential and Noble Functions of Management
- Clearly Differentiating Management from Leadership
- Rediscovering the Critical Importance of Effective Management: Traditional vs. Contemporary Views
- Inappropriate Metaphors of Managers: The Need to Change Mind-sets
- The Key Management Functions: The Q-OPD Full-Range Management Model©
The Four, Over-arching Core Skills for both Managers and Leaders
- Developing Personal, Social and Organisational Awareness
- Tailored, Multi-channel Communication
- Powerful and Targeted Influence and Persuasion
- Emotional Intelligence (EI) & Political Intelligence (PI)
Day Two: Directing and Delegating: The Heart of Management
Operationalising & Directing
- The Manager’s Crucial Operationalisation Remit
- Translating the Strategic Plan into an Implementation Plan
- Powerful Processes to Direct Your Staff
- Using Goals, Objectives, Outcomes and Behavioural Metrics
Delegating & Problem-Solving
- The Delegation Imperative: Making Yourself Dispensible, Creating New Leaders and Succession Planning
- Relinquishing Authority and Responsibility: Setting Your Staff-up for Success
- Creative, Rational and Soft-system Problem-solving Approaches
- Deciding between Alternative Solutions whilst considering the Operational and Political Dimensions of Your Actions
Day Three: Resourcing and Monitoring: Facilitating Achievement
Resourcing & Supporting
- Identifying the Resources Available to Your Staff and Using Them to Develop their Capability
- Selecting Staff for their Talent and Potential
- Supporting Your Staff: Engagement and Empowerment
- The Five Essential Support Needs of Your Staff to Ensure their continuing Discretionary Effort
Monitoring & Controlling / Coordinating
- The Essential Nature of Monitoring and Controlling
- Soft and Hard Processes: Individual Development and Goal-achievement
- Deciding on Your Key Metrics: ‘What you measure is what you get!’
- Designing Monitoring Systems / Performance Dashboards
Day Four: Encouraging and Engaging Your Staff
Feeding Back / Reporting & Redirecting
- The Value of Timely, Relevant, Actionable Feedback
- The 3 Feedback Principles and Structuring Motivational, Developmental and Critical Feedback
- Re-directing Behaviours and Setting-up Positive Responses
- Harnessing the Power of Activators, Behaviours and Consequences
The Manager as Catalyst
- Understanding and Appreciating the New Management Paradigm
- Using the Gallup Q-12 to Powerfully Manage your Staff
- Playing to your Staff’s Strengths and Helping them Manage their Weaknesses – as a Team
- Managing Employee Aspirations by Helping them Find their Ideal Roles
Day Five: Proactively Harnessing Your Talent and Realising Your Full Potential
Managing Your Own Career as a Manager
- Planning in the Emerging, New Employment Reality: The Changing World, Workplace and Corporate Governance
- Identifying Your Specific Career Anchors: What you are good at? What you value and what motivates you?
- Constructing Your Personal Career Advancement Strategy
- Prioritising and Engaging in the Important Career Advancement Activities
- Becoming Politically Adept