Business Process Analysis and Modelling is an essential component of Business Process Redesign (BPR) as well as other business process improvement initiatives such as re-engineering, systems development, quality management and continuous process improvement. This Business Process Analysis & Modelling training course will help the participants will acquire the knowledge and skills to analyse and accurately model business processes at the enterprise level as well as the detailed workflow level.
In this training course, delegates will acquire the knowledge and skills to map and model business processes at enterprise level as well as detailed workflow level. This training course also provides a step-by-step approach to effectively analyse processes to ensure that business process models accurately reflect reality and includes stakeholder requirements. The process approach is one of the most successful means to improve the operations of the company, improve competitiveness, increase efficiency, reduce costs and enhance customer and employee satisfaction.
Delegates will learn the Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN). This is a widely-used, open modelling standard that combines business-friendliness with the precision required to effectively implement and automate business processes. It is easy to understand and can be applied to all aspects of business process innovation.
Practical analysis and modelling work using the techniques is done throughout the training course.
This Energy Training Centre training course will highlight:
- The accurate description of business processes requires rigorous analysis
- Business process models provide a baseline from which to improve
- Analysis and modelling facilitates improvement through uncovering anomalies, redundancies and deficiencies
- Models provide the basis for studying and testing a process design and measuring process outcome
- Business process models transform ephemeral knowledge into a tangible business asset - reusable models that all can understand
- Models provide clear business process definitions for the effective operation of the business
At the end of this Business Process Analysis & Modelling training course, you will learn to:
- Understand business processes and their components
- Apply process analysis concepts and techniques
- Define processes using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN)
- Develop business process architecture
- Analyse process customer requirements
- Specify measures of business process performance
- Diagnose the health of a business process
- Use process improve techniques to transform business processes
State-of-the-art business process modelling methods are transferred by means of short, focused presentations which are followed by experiential learning workshop sessions. In these sessions, the knowledge gained is applied to real-world examples and case studies. Rapid learning of the methods and techniques is achieved by means of group work, individual work, participant discussion, facilitator interaction and constructive feedback.
- Enable a process-centred organisational culture
- Enhance structuring of activities and effective allocation of activities in the organization
- Facilitate radical and continuous improvement in the organization
- Encourage design of new business directions and business processes
- Accurately define the work of the organisation through the use of business process models
- Contribute to the achievement of breakthrough organisational performance
This Business Process Analysis & Modelling training course will provide you with a basic fluency and literacy in business process analysis and modelling so that you are better equipped to manage the opportunities and challenges it presents.
Specifically, participants will have:
- Objectively obtain the right information to build business process models
- Effectively apply best-practice business process modelling techniques
- Confidently contribute to business process improvement initiatives
- Accurate modeling skills of the architecture of the organization’s status as a set of linked diagram
- Systematically implement the improved processes for real life execution in the organization
This Business Process Analysis and Modelling training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Business Managers
- Business Process Analysts
- Process Owners
- Business and Systems Analysts
- Information Technology Professionals
- BPM Project Leaders
- BPM Project Team Members and Quality Specialists
Day One: Understanding Business Processes
- Overview and Key Concepts
- An Introduction to Business Processes
- Types of Business Processes
- Identifying and Naming Business Processes
- How to Analyse the Components of a Business Processes?
- Business Processes Modelling Concepts
- Practical Analysis Work
Day Two: Developing Business Process Models using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN)
- An Introduction to Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN)
- The Mechanics of Business Process Modelling
- Modelling Business Processes Events
- Representing Detailed Branching and Joining Logic
- Business Processes Patterns
- Modelling Processes using the Basic BPMN Elements
- Practical Business Process Modelling Work
Day Three: Advanced Process Modelling Using BPMN
- Extended BPMN Modelling Elements
- Developing Hierarchical Diagrams
- Using Pools and Lanes
- Handling Process Exceptions
Day Four: Analysing Business Processes
- Introduction to Business Process Architecture
- Identifying and Analysing Process Customers and Gaps
- Challenging Legacy Business Rules
- Diagnosing Process Health
- Process Performance Analysis
- Identifying Process Enablers
Day Five: Improving Business Processes Using Models
- Eliciting and Discovering Business Knowledge
- Identifying Improvement Opportunities using Process Models
- Moving from as-is to to-be Models
- Describing Improvements using Process Models
- Implementing Improved Processes
- Choosing the Right Modelling Tool