Project Quality Management encompasses processes that integrate an organization’s quality policies to ensure effective planning, management, and control of both project and product quality requirements. This approach aims to meet stakeholder expectations while promoting continuous improvement.
In today's competitive and rapidly evolving business landscape, delivering high-quality project outcomes is critical for organizational success and sustainability. Managers continually strive to achieve top-quality results while controlling costs and minimizing delays.
Designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of quality management in projects, this training course offers a balanced approach, addressing both quantitative and qualitative aspects. Participants will acquire the essential management skills, tools, and techniques needed to successfully deliver high-quality project outcomes.
Key highlights of this Energy course include:
- An overview of fundamental project quality management concepts
- Tools, techniques, and methods for quality planning and control, including the Critical Path Method, Critical Chain Method, and other established project management approaches
- Introduction to statistical process control tools
- Exploration of common project challenges and strategies for mitigation
- Emphasis on maximizing benefits from the project’s initiation through to its completion
By the conclusion of this Project Quality Management, participants will be able to:
- Define the concept of quality in the context of projects.
- Recognize the significance of intentional quality management processes and integrate quality considerations throughout the project lifecycle— from initiation to completion.
- Identify and document both quality requirements and standards for the project and its deliverables.
- Utilize tools such as cost-benefit analysis, cause and effect diagrams, control charts, and more in project planning and control.
- Apply fundamental principles of statistical quality control.
- Implement effective quality assurance and control measures.
- Prepare for and carry out quality audits efficiently.
- Manage stakeholders effectively to ensure their satisfaction with the project's outcomes.
- Foster a positive
Participants of this Energy training course will receive thorough training on the subjects covered by the course outline. The tutor will utilise proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques with theory and skill training, traditional lectures, as well as hands-on exercises, group discussions, video and case studies. Whilst important learning will take place, having fun and receiving memorable learning is paramount.
The organization will greatly benefit from individuals understanding how Project Quality Management operates by focusing on:
- How to plan quality management into projects
- How project plans should follow organizational quality methodologies
- Understand project planning tools, language and acronyms.
- Understanding high quality dependency planning within projects
- How to manage quality by translating the plans into quality activities, that incorporate the organizations quality policies into the project
- Understand how to ensure the project outputs are complete, correct and meet the customer expectations.
As a result of attending this Project Quality Management training course, delegates will benefit as follows:
- Understand that Project Quality Management addresses the management of a project and the deliverables of the project.
- Focus and understand what a quality project mission should contain.
- Understand stakeholder requirements and acceptance criteria.
- Understand the process of developing a quality planning approach to projects.
- Understand techniques to drive out quality team delivery.
- Know the Quality management processes.
- Be ready to undertake quality reviews and participate in audits.
- Understand continuous process improvement techniques.
This Energy Project Quality Management training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals who are involved in or manage internal and external projects both in the private and public sector. Some prior knowledge of quantitative analysis techniques is beneficial, however not required as all tools and methodologies will be covered starting from the basics.
Day One: Understanding Project Quality Management and Imbedding Quality in Project Initiation
- Introductions
- Project basics
- Enterprise Environmental Factors
- Organisational Process Assets
- Project constraints
- Quality management concepts
- Definition of quality
- Cost of quality
- Quality management and project lifecycle
- Quality and project initiation
- Project Charter and Business Case
Day Two: Panning for Quality
- Plan quality management: Tools and Techniques
- Plan quality management: Outputs
- Manage Quality: Inputs
- Requirements management and traceability
- Stakeholder Management
- Risk Management
- Scope Baseline: PBS and WBS
- Estimating techniques
Day Three: Panning for Quality
- Scheduling: Critical Path Method and Gantt Chart
- Resource Management and Critical Chain Method
- Cost Baseline
- Scope creep and Change control.
- Manage Quality: Tools and Techniques
- Manage Quality: Outputs
Day Four: Quality Assurance and Control
- Quality in the project execution phase
- Responsibility for quality
- Control Quality: Project monitoring control and quality assurance tools; verification and validation processes.
- Introduction to Statistical Process Control (SPC) tools: Pareto analysis, cause-and-effect diagrams, histograms, trend analysis, scatter diagrams, process control charts,
- Quality audits
- Control Quality: Outputs
Day Five: Trends in Quality Management Practices
- Total Quality Management
- Plan Do Check Act
- Lean Project Management
- Six Sigma
- Quality and Benefit Management
- Project Closure
- Post Project Review
- Lessons Learned