Soil mechanics plays a critical role in various construction projects such as buildings, pavements, roadways, and dams. Errors in foundation design can lead to severe structural issues, potentially causing collapses. Soil-related construction problems are often challenging to resolve and can be costly. Common issues, like diagonal cracks, are frequently caused by differential settlement. Changes in the water table or excavation near existing structures can also lead to serious cracks in buildings. Moreover, road pavement issues, like cracking and rutting, often arise from a lack of proper subgrade testing, which can also contribute to accidents.
Soil investigation poses challenges, as soil can exist in various forms, such as granular or slurry, with diverse properties. Incorrect test results may occur if soil samples are not collected properly. The allowable load capacity can fluctuate based on the soil type, water table levels, and foundation geometry. This Energy training course will equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of soil mechanics, common soil problems, and effective solutions.
Key topics covered in this Soil Investigation training course include:
- The three phases of soil
- The significance of soil classification
- Sieve analysis and consistency testing of soil
- Validating compaction and Proctor test results
- Key parameters for shear strength
- Essential skills for conducting soil investigations
- Key laboratory and field testing methods
This Soil Investigation training course aims to equip participants with:
- An understanding of soil properties, types, and classifications
- Knowledge on determining soil failure criteria and shear strength parameters
- Techniques for calculating bearing capacity and designing isolated foundations
- Skills for conducting soil inspections and differentiating between various soil types
- Insight into the critical importance of long-term settlement caused by consolidation and liquefaction processes
This Energy Soil Investigation training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension, and retention of the information presented. The daily workshops will be highly interactive and participative. Videos and photos will be used for illustration
This Energy training course is intended to provide professionals and engineers with knowledge of geotechnical engineering. The Soil Investigation training course will also benefit:
- Junior Engineers
- Civil Engineers
- Structural engineers
- Engineers and technician who are interested in understanding how to prepare a soil investigation report
Day One: Understanding the Main Properties of the Soil and needed Tests and the Classification
- Practical Importance of Index Properties
- Size and Shape of Soil Particles
- Properties of very Fine Soil Fractions
- Mechanical Analysis of Soils
- Soil Aggregate
- Consistency of Fine-Grained Soils
- Soil Classification
- Minimum Requirements for Adequate Soil Description
Day Two: Understanding the Shear Strength Parameters and the Consolidation
- Shear Strength Parameters
- Shear Box Test
- Triaxial Compression Test
- Van Shear Test
- SPT – Standard Penetration Test
- CPT – Cone Penetration Test
- Parameters of the Consolidation
- Workshop on Shear Strength and Consolidation
Day Three: How to Validate the Compaction and Introduction to Problematic Soil
- Introduction to the Compaction
- Machines which are used in Compaction
- Proctor Test
- Sand Cone Test
- Plate Loading Test
- Types of Problematic Soil
- Effect of Expansive Soils and Solutions
- Collapsible Soil and Solutions
Day Four: How to Investigate the Soil and Prepare a Report
- Methods of Soil Exploration
- Disturbed Samples
- Undisturbed Samples
- Skills of Visual Inspection
- Challenge of Soil Investigation in the Practice
- Workshop to prepare Soil Investigation Report
Day Five: Calculating the Bearing Capacity and Design Isolated Footing
- Bearing capacity general form based on shear strength
- The effect of settlement of bearing capacity
- The effect of water table on bearing capacity
- Bearing capacity based on SPT
- Eccentric foundations due to permanent loads
- Eccentric foundations due to temporary loads