This hands-on, application-focused 5-day Asset Integrity Management for Purpose-Built FPSOs and Subsea System Facilities training course offers a professional framework for decision-making in asset integrity management. Participants will explore the principles of managing the integrity of subsea systems, risers, and FPSOs, with a particular emphasis on how real-time condition-based monitoring can enhance strategic decision-making and improve operational efficiency in subsea and marine operations.
In today's challenging environment within the Oil & Gas Upstream sector, where reducing operating expenditures (OPEX) is a priority, this course is designed to support your development as an operations or asset maintenance engineer. It aligns with asset management goals, helping you effectively manage the lifecycle of field operations.
This ENERY Training course is designed to address the following key aspects:
- Equip engineers, operations and maintenance teams, and asset managers with the tools to quickly access critical information related to anomalies, inspections, maintenance plans, and repairs across assets.
- Acknowledge the daily challenges faced by operations teams and teach how to optimize workload planning to enhance production assurance and the efficiency of marine assets.
Key topics covered in this training include:
- Asset integrity management principles and guidelines
- Subsea systems and risk assessment frameworks
- Deepwater riser and subsea integrity management strategies
- Developing a comprehensive asset integrity maintenance and repair philosophy
- Interpreting asset management data
- Asset integrity management (AIM) for FPSOs and offshore floating facilities
- Case studies on extending the field life of riser and subsea assets
- Risk-based inspection methodologies for FPSOs and subsea facilities
- Participants will also have access to the latest updates on Oil & Gas Producers' guidelines for managing risks related to offshore FPSOs and their associated subsea production infrastructure
This ENERGY Training course in Asset Integrity Management for Purpose-Built FPSO’s and Subsea System Facilities will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented.
- PowerPoint presentations, operational video’s, training manuals with practical user examples. Competency assurance tests, continuous professional development measures
The daily workshops will be highly interactive and participative. This involves regular discussion of applications as well as hands-on exposure to techniques using examples from the offshore workplace environment. Delegates are strongly encouraged to bring and share their own experiences, lessons learnt from the work domain.
This ENERGY training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- New Graduates and Professionals in both operations and onshore to offshore asset management support roles
- Reliability or Operations-Maintenance Engineers
- Field Supervisors
- Marine operations
Day One: Introduction to Subsea System Operation and FPSO Production Asset
- Overview of Subsea Engineering
- Subsea field development
- Subsea Production Systems
- Subsea Structures and Equipment
- Subsea Field Development Overview
- Introduction to FPSO Operation and Maintenance
- Regulations and Codes
- Environmental influences affecting FPSO Operations
- FPSO Mooring, Turret and Swivel operations
- Subsea Umbilical, Risers + Flowlines (SURF) and Subsea facility Interfaces
- Oil or Gas Transfer (Offloading)
Day Two: Guidelines for Asset Integrity Management
- Asset integrity management (AIM)
- Management Responsibility
- AIM Life Cycle
- Failure Modes and Mechanisms
- Asset Selection and Criticality Determination
- Inspection, Testing and Preventive Maintenance
- Established Approaches for Developing Test and Inspection Plans
- Asset Integrity Procedures
- Equipment Deficiency Management
- AIM Program Implementation
Day Three: Subsea Asset Integrity and Risk Assessment
- Subsea asset integrity framework for project execution phase
- Risk Assessment
- Maintaining a stable Integrity Performance for your assets
- Project Risk Management
- Subsea Equipment RBI Methodology
- Pipeline RBI
- Risk and reliability analysis
- Risk Based Inspection Planning for different offshore facilities
- Deepwater Riser and Subsea Integrity Management Strategy
- Risers and Mooring Lines Integrity Management based on Real-Time Integrity Monitoring
Day Four: Operability, Subsea Inspections, Maintenance and Repair Asset Integrity
- Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV) Intervention and Interface
- Inspection and maintenance of subsea systems
- Subsea Pipeline Repair methods
- Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)
- Acoustic sand monitors
- Monitoring of corrosion and erosion damage of pipelines
- Interpretation of Subsea Inspection Data
Day Five: FPSO Asset Integrity
- AIM for offshore floating facilities
- PFPSO degradation mechanisms examples
- Risk based inspection for FPSOs
- Spectral fatigue for FPSO conversion
- Structural Longevity of FPSO Hulls
- Inspection management for FPSOs