LNG has experienced significant growth and development in recent years. As LNG businesses are projected to reach full potential, it is essential for all stakeholders—whether currently involved or looking to enter the industry—to understand the commercial and technical risks throughout the entire LNG value chain and operations. This is particularly important for those seeking to expand or diversify their existing businesses into the rapidly growing LNG sector.
The Fundamentals of LNG training course covers the key technical aspects and practical commercial considerations of LNG, including pre-fixture activities, terminal operations, LNG transportation, contracts, tanker loading and discharge procedures, as well as custody transfer measurement and calculations. Gain a deeper understanding of the LNG industry and equip yourself to stay ahead, spot opportunities, and succeed in this specialized market.
This Energy Training Centre training course shall:
- Provide an overview and foundational understanding of the entire LNG process chain
- Offer insight into LNG cargo transfer operations from both ship management and terminal perspectives
- Explore trade routing and cargo management options for LNG
- Guide participants in selecting the best LNG vessel types and containment systems
- Enable accurate measurement and calculation of LNG custody transfer
- Examine the influence of various design codes and guidelines on LNG ship and shore transfer management
- Enhance management of LNG supply transportation contracts and shipping documentation
- Analyze LNG incidents and assess tanker safety, associated risks, and requirements to improve LNG tanker operations
- Deliver in-depth knowledge of the LNG tanker business and operations
This Fundamentals of LNG training course will provide you with a comprehensive, hands-on understanding of advanced LNG concepts. Delivered through a combination of theory, practical case studies, and workshop sessions, you will gain valuable tools and techniques to manage commercial and operational risks more effectively, enabling you to make more informed investment decisions.
You will:
- Strengthen your knowledge of operations that comply with national and international maritime legislation, local regulations, and industry best practices.
- Assess various procedures and factors that impact operational costs.
- Ensure safety in LNG operations by understanding the correct use of fenders and certified hoses.
- Gain familiarity with LNG vessels, their operations, and LNG STS equipment.
- Deepen your understanding of Ship-to-Ship (STS) transfer equipment, its design, maintenance, and training methods.
- Learn the roles and distinctions between the Person in Overall Advisory Control, Mooring Master, and Ship Master.
- Develop a practical methodology for reducing risks.
- Gain insight into LNG-related environmental challenges.
- Recognize and understand the operational and hazard differences between oil and gas vessels.
- Understand the requirements for LNG vessel compatibility, Optimoor studies, and review an LNG spill response case study.
Your organization will acquire a broad set of fundamental LNG skills, including:
- Supply Chain: Personnel involved in crude oil and gas operations.
- Energy and Logistics Providers: Shipbrokers, traders, shipping agents, claims department staff, loading masters, cargo inspectors, and surveyors.
- Administrative and Non-Operational Staff: Office staff who may lack hands-on practical experience.
- Oil & Gas Industry: Management responsible for developing and overseeing cargo acceptance policies and practices.
Gain hands-on experience and explore the key aspects of LNG, its operations, and the future of energy.
- Understand the regulations and guidelines governing LNG operations.
- Master the roles of the parties involved in transfers and their relationships.
- Learn about the Person in Overall Advisory Control (POAC) and their varying responsibilities at different stages of operations.
- Explore pre-planning and risk assessment considerations for LNG operations.
This Fundamentals of LNG training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- LNG suppliers, traders and distributors
- Ship owners and operators
- Superintendents and safety officers
- Technical and operations executives
- Charterers and traders
- Ship brokers
- Port and terminal operators
- P&I club and marine insurance
- Ship Owners and Managers
- Offshore Vessel and FPSO Owners and Operators
- Oil Majors, NOCs and Independents
- Ship Superintendents and Safety Officers
- Ship Officers and Crews (Master, Chief Officers, Chief Engineers etc)
- Loading and Mooring Masters
- STS Service Providers
- Liquid Cargo and Bunker Surveyors
- Ports and Terminal Operators
- P&I Inspectors and Executives
- LNG FSU Owners, Managers, Operators
- Company Assurance Managers and Superintendents
Day One: Types of LNG Carriers, Terminals, Storage and Tanks/LNG Treatment and the Science
- LNG terminal and vessel - main types
- Vessel design - Moss Rosenberg, Membrane, Steamships
- Storage design and Gas detections systems
- The science of LNG - as an energy and power source
- The IMO involvement
- Advantages of LNG as an energy source
- Co2 and Emission Control Technology [E.C.T]
- Carbon Capture and Storage and LNF designs for the future. Are we there yet?
- Boil Off Gas characteristics and dual fuel options
- Diesel, Electric and LNG powered vessel systems on the market
- LNG Technical comparisons and containment systems
- Regasification terminal locations, Land based, Regas vessels
- Treatment of LNG and methods
- Specific Characteristics of LNG
- LNG - What is it and why do we want more of it?
Applicable Safety Codes and Charterer’s Requirements
- International Gas Code vessel descriptions »» LNG Tank Type »» LNG Vessel types
- International Safety Management, ISM Code and the basic requirements and training
- Safety Management Systems [SMS] in the LNG Field
- Vessel and On board LNG procedures and training
- S.P - International Ship and Port Security Codes and Regional security issues
- Tanker Management Self-Assessment
- What is the TMA, who is it for?
- TMA Overview of elements and stages
- How the TMSA is used
- The SIRE inspection system. What is it and why have it for LNG?
Day Two: The Stages of LNG Cargo Cycle
- What are the stages?
- Why do we have them?
- What do they achieve?
- Regasification terminal locations - Land based Regas vessels System
- Overview: typical schemes and operating principles
- LNG Transfer system design and parameters Contributors to Boil off Gas
Preparation of Cargo Cycle – LNG Terminal Compatibility Studies
- Roles and responsibility of terminal in LNG cargo transfer
- Terminal loading and discharging
- Ship-to-Shore operations interfaces
- Compatibility forms
- LNG Cargo Transfer checklists and forms required
- LNG Cargo Transfer equipment required
- LNG Cargo hazards, safety and risks that exist
- LNG Cargo controls
- Roles of Fibre Optics in LNG Transfer and operations
- LNG Cargo training required for personnel (LNG Preparations forms)
Day Three: LNG Transfer Systems -Naval Architecture [Ship Design] and Available New Technologies
- Ship to Ship to shore Transfer systems - Naval Architecture [ship systems] and the Terminal interface
- Ship to Platform Transfer systems - Naval Architecture [ship systems] and the Terminal interface
- Ship to Ship Transfer Systems - Naval Architecture [ship systems] and the vessel interface
- Ship connected transfer systems and tandem configurations for ship to ship
- System Uptime considerations of effective operations
- Meteocean conditions, prediction tools and weather monitoring
- Arrival preparations and checklists
- LNG Loading Arms Abilities – Technology, vendors and designs
- Sensor Technologies and Latest Cryogenic Hose designs, testing and type 8 inch and 6 Inch
- Dynamic Positioning what is it and why do we have it DP 1. DP 2 And DP 2
- Manoeuvring with and without tug assistance or DP
- Jetty Approaches – Finger or Face Terminal Design Interface
- LNG Pre-loading procedures alongside
- Ramp up, loading and ramp down, actions and precautions
- LNG Ramp up, increasing loading rate
- Tank loading procedures
- Ramp down and the topping off tanks process
- Return ad Vapour pressure control
- LNG Post loading operations
- Commencement of gas burning and line disconnection
- Checklists and Pre-arrival preparations, terminal requirements and ship line cool down
- Discharging and ramp down, heel options
- Overview of standard discharge operations
- Ramp down for heel distribution option
- Discharging operations
Safety and Risk Management
- Recent industry incidents highlighted- LNG Spill and Discharges worldwide.
- What have we learnt?
- Human Error and factors in the LNG industry
- Latent Engineering Design Failures in the LNG industry
- LNG - OEM faults
- Common causes of these incidents
Day Four: ESD 1 and 2 Design Codes and Operations
Alarm Settings ESD Actions
- ESD 1 systems and what is it
- ESD 2 what are the differing systems
- Required crew training and preparations
- Hazards and Risks moving forward »» Geographical hazards »» Crew factor
Water Curtain Operations and Tests Theory and Potential Damages
- Ship and shore requirements
- Preparing for the future incidents
- Contingency planning
- Salvage of an LNG vessel
- Considerations for cargo recovery
- Environmental impact
- Technical equipment development
- Risk profiling of your operations
- What response is required?
- Safety Management Systems and Options
SIMPOS – Simultaneous Operations (LNG Transfers and Operations)
- Considerations when performing SIMPOS
- HAZARD and Risk when performing LNG SIMOPS
- Day and Night operations
- Ship to Ship operations
- 24 Hr LNG operations
- Where do SIMPOS operations occur?
- Why are SIMPOS performed?
Day Five: LNG Custody Transfer Measurement and Calculations
- System setup parameters
- Sampling and Certification Custody
- Transfer Guidelines of Terminals Ship and surveyor roles
- Certificate of Loading
- Types of Custody Transfer Measurement
- Systems and Equipment
- Inerting
- Aerating
- Drying and Cool down
- Liquid form measurement
- Volumetric measurement
- Temperature measurement
- Custody Transfer Measurement system (CTMs) testing and checks
- LNG Quality Control Mechanisms and the Custody Transfer Procedure
- Flow metering Technology utilised
- Flow measurement and custody transfer flow metering, types.
- Coriolis Flow mechanisms, design, metering and performance
- Thermal Flow mechanisms, design, metering and performance
- Differential Flow mechanisms, design, metering and performance
- Ultrasonic Flow mechanisms, design, metering and performance
- Vortex Flow mechanisms, design, metering and performance
- Applications of flow meters, calibration, calculations, transfer principles
- Safety