This 5-day intensive Reservoir Characterization training course is designed for geologists and engineers who are responsible for assessing the variables that determine the location, timing, and objectives of drilling operations. They must also understand how to optimize the life cycle and returns from these drilling projects, both in the short and long term.
By attending this Energy training course, participants will learn to evaluate various types of data, both significant and less important, rank different interpretations, and assess all potential risks to determine the best course of action. Regardless of their specific roles, participants will gain the ability to handle different rock types, petrophysical parameters, multiple diagenesis processes, and analyze key facies such as barriers or reservoirs. They will also enhance their skills in interpreting logs, maps, correlations, and data distribution.
This Reservoir Characterization training course will cover:
- The essential role of sedimentological studies in reservoir engineering
- Collaborative planning for teams working on reservoir characteristics
- Connecting different reservoir characteristics (such as clastics and carbonates) to hydrocarbon production potential
- Combining petrography and petrophysics to understand depositional settings and reservoir behavior
- Understanding geological architecture, displacement, and diagenesis processes
- Estimating hydrocarbon recovery, planning field development, and managing uncertainties
- Applying fluid flow equations in the context of reservoir characterization
The primary objective of this Energy training course is to deepen participants' understanding of sedimentological, reservoir, logging, seismic data, and other related aspects. By the end of the Reservoir Characterization training course, participants will be able to:
- Identify the key rock parameters involved in Reservoir Characterization
- Integrate various data sources to define the reservoir's geometry
- Analyze and define depositional environments in relation to flow units
- Distribute physical parameters and flow properties within the reservoir
- Collaborate with sedimentology experts to define reservoir facies
- Relate facies to reservoir connectivity and flow properties (e.g., porosity, permeability, saturation)
- Develop geological models that account for reservoir heterogeneities and uncertainties
- Estimate hydrocarbon volume distribution from reservoir models
- Contribute to geo-steering wells to optimal locations and provide inputs for reservoir simulation
The instructor will involve the participants not only by showing and interpreting the training course material in detail, but they will work together by projecting their previous knowledge onto the course. Several real examples will be studied from: USA, Algeria, Colombia, Kuwait, Nigeria and France to elaborate on the role of reservoir characterization to modeling. During the Energy training course path, a self -evaluation point quizzes will be run to stimulate all brains no matter which discipline
The organization will benefit from having a highly trained geoscientist capable of integrating well logs with core data to enhance reservoir performance and connectivity.
The underlying causes of limited production and uncertainties in volumetric calculations will be addressed, providing the organization with a clearer understanding of where to drill the next wells and allowing for more precise volume estimation.
Upon completing this Reservoir Characterization training course, participants will be able to combine core data with well log analysis, calibrate the data, and evaluate petrophysical analyses using precise measurements.
Additionally, participants will gain an understanding of the challenges associated with different depositional environments, enabling them to accurately build reservoir static models and integrate these findings with reservoir engineering.
This Energy training course is for all professionals in the exploration and reservoir engineering departments and geoscientists in the development sector, but it is mainly designed to for:
- Strategic engineers
- Petrophysicists
- Managers
- Geologists
- Geo-modeler
- Reservoir Engineers
- Geophysicists
Day One: From Rocks to Reservoir and Reservoir Characterization
- Reservoir from sedimentological/field point of view
- Rock types
- What is meant by Reservoir Characterization
- Carbonate rock classification and structure
- Impact of carbonate diagenesis on Reservoir Characterization
- Carbonate porosity and fracture impact on Reservoir Characterization
Day Two: Textural and Structure Impact on Reservoir Characterization
- Clastics classification and structure
- Carbonate geometry Vs Reservoir Characterization
- Reefal reservoir facies
- Clastics texture ,porosity and packing Vs Reservoir Characterization
- Clastics petrography and photomicrograph
- Carbonate petrography and photomicrograph
- Geologic Controls on Reservoir Quality.
Day Three: Impact of Different Depositional Environment on Reservoir Characterization
- From diagenesis to depositional environment
- Fluvial depositional environment
- Main Aeolian depositional environment
- Different Deep marine depositional environment
- Deltaic and tidal depositional environment
Day Four: Reservoir Uncertainties, Trapping and Modeling
- Carbonate reservoir uncertainties
- Impact of Reservoir Characterization to the different reserves cases min to max,P10 to P90,etc
- From Reservoir Characterization to trapping
- Factors controlling Reservoir Characterization in a Petroleum system
- From reservoir data to geostatistcs
- Reservoir Characterization and static modeling tree who is first?
- Reservoir modeling steps, secrets and scheme
- Impact of Thin layers, hidden facies and shoulder effect on Reservoir Characterization
Day Five: Reservoir Characterization and Reservoir Modeling - Criteria and Case Studies
- Define reasons for Cutoffs and por/perm chart usage
- Relate Reservoir Characterization to facies and FZI
- From static to dynamic reservoir modeling one or 2 team
- Why we need upscaling
- Integrated Reservoir Characterization Vs reservoir heterogeneity
- Reservoir Characterization from data and parameters to stochastic approach
- Reservoir Characterization and modeling real cases