This Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals training course is designed for industry professionals and organizations aiming to maximize the value of data as a critical business asset. In the era of the data revolution, where opportunities and risks abound, data has become the lifeblood of modern industries, particularly in the oil and gas sector.
As project management evolves into standardized processes, so too does Data Management, requiring oil and gas companies to effectively value, acquire, store, manage, and analyze data. By doing so, organizations can fully leverage data as a vital enterprise asset.
The rise of Big Data brings not just opportunities but also challenges, making effective data management crucial. Data Management is an administrative process involving the acquisition, validation, storage, protection, and processing of data to ensure it remains accessible, reliable, and timely for its users. This Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals training provides a comprehensive understanding of master data management, particularly for spatial-geophysical and well data in the oil and gas industry.
This Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals Training Course training course will highlight:
- How to manage data effectively throughout its entire lifecycle
- How data acts as a strategic resource to drive decision-making and organizational success
- Best practices for acquiring, managing, and analyzing geophysical and well data
- The core principles of master data management to enhance data integrity and usability
- Techniques to safeguard data from potential threats and vulnerabilities
- The methodologies for maintaining high-quality data that supports reliable analysis
- The industry-recognized frameworks that set the benchmark for data management in the oil and gas sector
At the end of this Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals training course, you will:
- Understand the Role of Data Governance
- Gain Insights into Data Vendors and Domains
- Comprehend Legal Requirements for Well Identification
- Develop and Implement Data Security Strategies
- Establish Data Retention Schedules
- Understand Legal Foundations of Master Data Management
- Gather, Transform, and Utilize Spatial Data
- Link Master Data Management to Exploration and Production
This Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals training course uses a number of proved adult learning techniques, theoretical presentations with practical work of the delegates on how to properly use the data in Exploration and Production, how to prepare and implement the retention schedule and how to define the data architecture applicable for their enterprise. The focus is on enabling delegates to answer the questions which arise in everyday life of Petroleum Data Analyst.
This Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals training course will highlight:
- Standards in well identification and classification
- Spatial data standards and importance of coordinate referencing
- How to adequately manage and retain the company data
- Standard and modern data security issues and measures applicable to Exploration & Production (E&P) data
- Methods of ensuring the data quality
- Data transfer risks and retention requirements
The delegates will acquire:
- Full knowledge of data lifecycle management
- Introduction to data vendors, and national, international and local data repositories
- The relationship between the Exploration & Production (E&P) lifecycle and data lifecycle
- Modern methods of data transfer
- Introduction to risks and mitigation measures related to data quality and data security
- List of data retention standards in oil and gas industry
- Available software and applications related to Master Data management in oil and gas
- Requirements of data retention in cases of company transfer, joint-ventures and abandonment
This Advanced Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals training course is suitable for:
- Petroleum Data Analysts
- Systems Analysts
- Programmers
- Data Analysts
- Database Administrators
- Project Leaders
- Software Engineers
- Managers
- Any Professional involved in Data Analytics
Day One: Master Data Management
- Data Lifecycle Management
- The Data as Enterprise Asset
- Metadata
- Data Retention Requirements
- Data Governance Frameworks
Day Two: Data Gathering and Data Quality
- Data Sources
- Applicable Data Rules for Well Identification and Classification
- Professional Petroleum Data Management (PPDM) Data Model
- Data Management Functions
Day Three: Geospatial Data
- Geospatial Data Architecture
- Geospatial Data Repositories
- Software for Geospatial Data Gathering and Analysis
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Related Databases
- Geomatics Data Quality
- Geospatial Data Storage, Analysis and Retention
Day Four: Master Data Management and Referencing in Exploration & Production (E&P)
- Exploration & Production (E&P) Terminology
- Master Data
- Reference Data
- Data Warehouse Architecture and Business Intelligence
- Business Conceptual Model
- Logical Data Model
- Physical Data Model
- Database Administration
- Data Warehouse Administration
Day Five: Data Management, Risks and Security
- The CIA Triad - Confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data
- Data Security Policy
- Data Security Standards and Procedures
- Data Security Audit
- Data Security on the Cloud
- Interaction between the Stakeholders, Users, Clients and Government Agencies