For natural gas to make a serious contribution to energy security and sustainable economic development, political and economic challenges need first to be addressed. These challenges were alerted by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), stating that carbon emissions need to be severely reduced to avoid the irreversible impacts on climate change.
The UN Secretary-General himself urged investors to look to renewable energy and develop a sustainable future. So, what does sustainability imply when it correlates to gas and is it a real possibility?
Sustainable gas is the use of natural gas as a key player in a low carbon environment and the development/deployment of technologies that will enable it to fulfill that role. Obviously, we have to make the most efficient use of our energy sources while paying attention to their cost and environmental impact.
Therefore, the challenge for energy policymakers is to create a framework within which natural gas is at the forefront of the energy mix since natural gas reserves can meet decades of demand. With the newly available unconventional gas sources boosting natural gas supplies, the low carbon energy future is easily and sustainably extended into the next century.
By the end of this Energy Training Centre training course, the participants will be able to:
- Recognize the concepts of global warming potential and reduction of carbon footprints
- Appreciate the various methods of green energy generation of electricity
- Differentiate the various types of zero carbon emissions and global warming potentials
- Understand the importance of sustainable energy development
- Appreciate the merits and importance of renewable energy
- Understand the role of natural gas and its role in the energy transition towards energy sustainability
This training course will ensure that participants will receive thorough training on the subjects utilizing various proven adult learning teaching. Each participant will receive a copy of the comprehensive training manual. The presenter will outline and discuss the topics using computer displays, videos, and PowerPoint presentations.
This training course is designed to have an interactive format to maximize delegate participation. Questions and answers are encouraged throughout and at the daily sessions. Needs-Based case-studies and examples will be discussed in problem-solving workshop sessions. This allows participants to address their specific problems and appropriate solutions with other delegates and the presenter.
The heavy burden imposed on our planet by the runaway use of fossil fuels requires rapid changes in the energy industry. It necessitates organizations to understand and embrace sustainability or face being left behind.
Upon completion of the Energy Training Centre training course, the organizational impact would be:
- Technical training and up-skilling to improve and realise the full potential of a competent workforce
- What does sustainability mean when it relates to gas and is it a real possibility
- Productivity increase through state-of-the-art technologies in sustainability
- Identification for opportunities in the implementation of gas sustainability
- Networking of personnel with technology leaders and other engineers
Achieving personal success in a post-carbon world requires an in-depth perception and understanding of how natural gas is imperative towards achieving sustainability, the opportunities it creates, and how to meet the challenges imposed by climate change.
On successful completion of this Energy Training Centre training course the participants will be able to understand:
- Operation and characteristics of attaining a sustainable as future
- Identify the merits of alternative energies and how these compare to natural gas
- Appreciate the merits of sustainable economic development
- Recognize the importance of globalization and its impact on Natural gas markets
- Comprehend the maximization of natural gas usage in optimizing a sustainable energy future
This Energy Training Centre training course is targeted at professionals new to the energy industry, and those in both modern and traditional energy firms needing to better understand and respond to the rapid changes in the energy industry.
This Energy Training Centre training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Natural Gas Professionals
- Government Regulators
- Natural Gas Traders
- Law Professionals
- Tax & Finance Advisors
- Auditing Personnel
- Maintenance Technicians
- Natural Gas Supervisors
- Engineering Professionals
- Compliance Officers
- Media Personnel who interface with traders and trading
- Equity Analyst and Bankers
- The Dynamics of Global Gas Supply & Demand
- Definition of Sustainability
- Three Pillars of Sustainability
- Climate Change and Global Warming
- Problems for Natural Gas Sustainability
- Gas a Facilitator for Renewables
- Sustainable Gas as Destination Fuel
- Conventional Power Generation and Renewables
- Energy Mix and Security of Supply
- Growing Dislocation of Supply & Demand
- The role of gas in Energy Security and Sustainable Economic Development
- Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development
- Gas Producing Countries: International Supply Projects
- Regional & International Gas Demands
- Natural Gas Markets: Globalization & Convergence
- Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development
- Natural Gas: A Transition Fuel for Sustainable Energy System Transformation?
- Barriers to Renewable Energy Technologies
- Natural Gas Dynamics: Traditional & Future Suppliers
- IPCC market realities and natural gas
- Gas Supply & Storage
- Measures for A Sustainable Gas Storage Market
- Gas Storage and Security of Supply Issues
- Drivers of Renewable Energy Development
- Upstream Gas Supply and Restructuring of Gas Markets
- Gas Contracts
- Gas Pricing: Indexation Principle and R Factor
- Hedging Using Futures Contracts
- Exchanges and their organization: NYMEX and ICE