This 10-Day Essential Skills for Oil & Gas Managers & Supervisors training course is designed to provide essential knowledge and skills of the oil and gas sector from the managers and supervisors of viewpoint who are working in the field. It will provide the students the opportunity to study the oil and gas business from the perspective of the entire value chain, to analyze oil and gas management strategies of major organizations and discover the unique business issues of today’s energy marketplace. As the oil and gas industry impacts organizations, and societies worldwide, it is important to learn how to position oneself for success in this competitive industry.
This training course aims to provide an intellectually challenging academic course of study that will give the ability to analyze and evaluate key theoretical concepts and practical applications in issues of oil and gas management.
This Energy Training Centre training course aims to impart a better comprehension of the oil and gas business value chain.
This training course is split in two modules:
MODULE I - Fundamental Concepts and Operational Overview of the Oil & Gas Industry
MODULE II - Advanced Management Strategies and Financial Acumen in the Oil & Gas Sector
Each modules is structured and can be taken as a stand-alone training course; however, delegates with will maximise their benefits by taking Module 1 and 2 back-to-back as a 2-week training course.
Upon successful completion of this 10-Day Essential Skills for Oil & Gas Managers & Supervisors training course, the participants will be able to:
- Get an overview of the Global Oil & Gas Industry, from discovery to production through to consumption
- Understand the Geopolitics of Oil and Gas and the Major challenges facing the energy industry
- Gain an overview of Refining processes
- Evaluate the primary uses of oil and gas and its significance within the global energy industry
- Understand the role of the various organizations involved in the oil and gas industry – national governments, international oil companies, service companies, regulators, external (i.e. non-oil) bodies and others
- Understand the objectives, functions and commercial relationships between companies and organizations from the upstream through to the downstream oil and gas supply chain
- Environmental issues and European Union plans for oil and gas (target 2030)
- Evaluate organizations with a positive safety culture that are characterized by communications founded on mutual trust, by shared perceptions of the importance of safety, and by confidence in the efficacy of preventative measures
- Gain and enhance good negotiating skills which are essential to the smooth running of the business
- Provide alternative approaches to the process of negotiating successfully
This 10-Day Essential Skills for Oil & Gas Managers & Supervisors training course is a hands-on highly interactive stimulating learning experience, which facilitates many opportunities to advance the opinions and ideas of the delegates through active discussion. Participation is encouraged in a supportive environment that ensures the concepts introduced during the training course are understood and reinforced. This is achieved through a mix of learning methods, including lecture style presentation, open discussion and case studies.
PowerPoint presentations augmented with videos will be used through the training course and will include case studies to facilitate discussions. The delegates will be encouraged to exchange ideas.
- Working Managers, Supervisors, Engineers, Team Leaders, Safety Managers, and Senior Technicians
- Oil and Gas Managers
- Investment Bankers and Fund Managers
- Media Analysts and Commentators
- Exploration, Production and Refinery Managers of the international petroleum and natural gas industry, including the areas of and petrochemical operations
- Marketing, Law, Human Resources, Accounting, and Finance Personnel
- Anyone requiring a broad understanding of the structure, operations and economics of the oil and gas industries
Module 1: Fundamental Concepts and Operational Overview of the Oil & Gas Industry
Day One: The Nature and Formation of Fossil Fuels and Oil Reserves
- The Nature and Formation of Fossil Fuels and Oil Reserves
- The Chemistry of Petroleum
- Characteristics of Fossil Fuels
- Assay and Properties
- Measurement and Characterization
- Where We Find Fossil Fuels
- Industries & Uses
Day Two: Generation, Migration, Accumulation and Exploration of Petroleum
- Identification of Common Rocks and Minerals
- Ocean Environment and Plate Tectonics
- Traps and Trapping Mechanisms
- Geophysical & Geochemical Surveys
- Offshore Drilling and Production
- Exploratory Drilling & Testing The Well
- Casing and Cementing The Well
- Geologic Classification Types of Reservoir and Reservoir Drive Mechanisms
- Development of Oil and Gas Fields
- Estimation of Reserves
- Surface Treatment and Storage
- Enhanced Oil Recovery
Day Three: Distribution Transmission and Transportation
- Geopolitics and World Energy Markets
- The Geopolitics of Oil Pipelines
- OPEC and The Future Role of a Cartel
- Overview of World Petroleum Consumption, Supply, and Prices
- Sustainable Energy: Myths and Realities
- The Global Oil and Gas Industry
- Petroleum: Composition, Classification and Properties
- Natural Gas: Composition, Classification and Properties
Day Four: Transportation
- Pipelines
- Oil Tankers
- The Baku – Tbilisi – Ceyhan (BTC) Pipeline
- Storage
- Tank Farms
- Tank Farm Operations
- Commercial Relationships between Oil and Gas Production Companies and Downstream Marketer Organizations
Day Five: Introduction to The Petroleum Industry
- The Market For Crude Oil
- The Price of Crude
- The Refining Process
- Product & Specifications
- Refinery Complexity
- Refining Margins and Profitability
- Sales and Marketing of Petroleum Products
- Petrochemicals
Module 2: Advanced Management Strategies and Financial Acumen in the Oil & Gas Sector
Day Six
- Petroleum Economics
- World Petroleum Consumption, Supply, and Prices, Prospects For The Future
- Energy Trading and Commodities
- Futures, Options, and Hedging
- A Brief History of Real Options
- Introduction to Energy Finance and Economics
- Developing and Financing Oil and Gas Projects
- Oil and Gas Accounting
- Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and Time-value Considerations
- Apply The Present Value and Future Value Formulae (NPV)
- Inflation, Real, and Nominal (Time Value of Money)
- Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
- Hurdle Rates and Minimum Acceptable Rates of Return
Day Seven: Contracts, Joint Ventures and Fiscal Regimes
- Need for Collaboration between NOC’s and IOC’s
- Oil & Gas Contracts & Types of Contracts
- Concession Agreements
- Production Sharing Agreement / Contract (PSA/PSC)
- Technical Service Contract / Agreement (TSA)
- Joint Venture and Service Agreements
- Similarities Among Fiscal Systems
- State Participation
- Signature Bonus
- Production Bonus
- Bidding For Leases
Day Eight: Financial and Energy Risk Management
- Introduction to Energy Risk Management
- Risk Management and Types of Risk
- Risks in Trading Energy Commodities
- Geopolitical Risks and Opportunities
- Risk and Opportunity Analysis
- The Non-linearity and Complexity of Uncertainty
- Carbon Capture and Environmental Issues
- The Future of the Global Oil and Gas Industry
Day Nine: The Evolution of a Safety Culture
- Culture and Safety
- Defining a Value System
- A New Management Safety System
- Leadership and Teamwork
- Understanding Why Employees Put Themselves at Risk
- Assessing the Organisational Culture
- Active Listening
- Nonverbal Behaviours of Communication
- Speaking Hints
- Communication and Leadership
- The Communication Process
- Barriers to Communication
- Presentation Skills
Day Ten: Successful Negotiation
- Steps in Negotiation
- Negotiating Fears
- Making Choices
- Thinking Creatively
- Coping with Criticism
- Approaches to Negotiation
- Negotiating Roles
- Creative Bargaining
- BATNA is an acronym that denotes the Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement Relational Influence and Power
- Negotiating with Integrity
- Dealing with Aggressors and Conflict
- Negotiating Globally
- Course Summary and Roundup