This Smart Power Transformers Operations, Characteristics and Maintenance training course explore the merits of digitalization in the transmission and distribution of electrical power network. The transition of power transformer to smart digital transformer is a game changer for the future of the transmission grid. The shift from the conventional substation to the digital substation is a quantum leap to renewable energy integration and highly efficient power system transmission and distribution.
Powering the future with the smart digital transformer known as sensformer in gaining inroads towards the digitialization. This new equipment incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) and internet of things (IoT) to manage the digital grid. Remote monitoring of transformers facilitate the asset management of the digital equipment and maintenance strategies. Diagnostics and digital testing instruments ensure the integrity and security of the relevant equipment installed.
This Energy Training Centre training course will highlight:
- The digital substation infrastructure
- Operations of the smart digital transformer
- Digitalized future energy management
- Monitoring and maintenance of smart power transformers
- Digital diagnostics and testing instruments
At the end of this Smart Power Transformers Operations, Characteristics and Maintenance training course, you will learn to:
- Understand the merits of digital substations
- Explain the operations and characteristics of digital smart transformers
- Determine the future of sensformers
- Analyse the impacts of remote monitoring and maintenance
- Develop the diagnostics of digital equipment applied to the installation
This Smart Power Transformers Operations, Characteristics and Maintenance training curse will ensure that participants will receive a thorough training on the subjects covered by the seminar outline with the instructor utilising a variety of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques. Each participant will receive a copy of the comprehensive seminar notes. The presenter will outline and discuss the topics using computer displays, videos and power point presentation.
Upon completion of the Smart Power Transformers Operations, Characteristics and Maintenance training course the organizational impact would be:
- Technical training and up-skilling to improve and realize the full potential of a competent workforce.
- Productivity increases through exposure to smart digital equipment.
- Identification for opportunities of improvements due to deep understanding of the presented state-of-the-art digitalized technologies.
- Networking of personnel with technology leaders and other engineers.
- Attitude change of workforce, as continuous follow up of new technologies and their up taking could otherwise create workforce with high resistance to change due to lack of understanding.
On successful completion of this training course delegate will be able to understand:
- Understand the operation and construction of digital substations
- Identify the merits of smart digital power transformers
- Appreciate the new norm in energy management incorporating the sensformer
- Comprehend the maximization of transformer remote monitoring and asset management
- Be exposed to digital diagnostics and testing instruments
The operations and maintenance staff will be able to comprehend the types, construction, operations, function, of the digital substation and transformers. This will enable them to optimize their skill sets to ensure a safe and secure transmission and distribution grid.
This Smart Power Transformers Operations, Characteristics and Maintenance training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Electrical engineers
- Maintenance technicians
- Electrical supervisors
- Engineering professionals
- Managers of the electrical engineering department
Day One: Overview of Digitalization in a Transmission Power Grid
- Merits and characteristics of digitalization
- Construction and characteristics of a digital substation
- The digital gas insulated substation
- Advantages of digital substations
- Smart asset management
- Digitalization of the power grid
Day Two: Introduction to the Smart Digital Power Transformer
- Comparisons between smart and conventional power transformers
- Challenges of a digital distribution transformer
- Characteristics and construction of digital distribution transformer
- Switching to digital integrated power transformer
- Benefits of smart digital transformers in the distribution system
- Smart digital transformers and the smart grid
Day Three: Smart Transformers and the Future of Energy Management
- Factors which elevate transformer to smart transformer
- Role of smart digital transformers in modern energy landscape
- Introduction to the futuristic sensformer with digital twin technology
- Characteristics and construction features of the sensformer
- Performance and installation of the sensformer
- Powering the future with the sensformer
Day Four: Monitoring and Maintenance of Smart Power Transformers
- Smart transformer monitoring solutions
- Cooling of transformers and digital temperature management
- Maximizing transformer reliability
- Characteristics and merits of ester-based transformer oil
- Transformer oil analysis and the furan effect
- Remote dissolve gas analysis for power transformers
Day Five: Instrumentation and Testing of Power Transformers
- The Testrano 600 transformer diagnostics
- Sweep frequency response analysis
- Breakdown voltage test
- Tan Delta test
- Transformer routine tests