Modern electrical power systems increase the efficiency of electrical power generations, transmission and distribution it also lower carbon footprint for a greener world. It includes the ‘green generation’ of electricity by means of PV Solar Systems, Wind Power Technology, Geothermal Technology and Hydro Power.
Power System Stability incorporates the Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) have been evolving to a mature technology with high power rating. This technology has wide spread application, became a top rate, most reliable one, based on power electronics. The main purpose of these systems is to supply the network as quickly as possible with inductive or capacitive reactive power that is adapted to its particular requirements, while also improving transmission quality and the efficiency of the power transmission system.
By the end of Energy Training Centre course course, you will be able to:
- Appreciate how power is transferred efficiently across a network
- Understand how FACTS devices can provide real time support to improve network operation
- Understand how to improve the quality of the supply, dips, swells and harmonics sources
- Be familiar with diagnostic tools that lead to improved reliability including PD measurement
- Deal with methods to handle higher fault levels and power demand and cable thermal rating
- Deal with the question of alternative forms of generation and CO2 emissions
The participants of this training course will receive thorough training on the subjects covered by the course outline with the instructor utilizing a variety of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques. This will include presentations, live feedback and interactions, quizzes, and group discussion.
This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Maintenance Engineers and Technicians
- Technical Management Professionals
- Engineering Professionals
- Maintenance and Operations Technicians
Amongst a wide range of valuable topics, the following will be prioritised:
- Overview of a Typical Systems covering Generation, Transmission and Distribution and the SMART grid
- Control of Reactive Power & Voltage
- Coping with Rising Demand For Power - transmission and distribution
- Major Causes of Power System Failures
- Energy and The Environment - solar power, geothermal power, etc. CO2 and its impact on the world
- Harmonics Mitigation Techniques
- Flexibility in AC Systems (FACTS) - static VAr Compensation - series controlled capacitors
- SCADA and Artificial Intelligence Systems For Fault Diagnostics
- Advanced Protection and Control Techniques
- Is - Fault Current Limiter - how to apply?