We cannot imagine a day without energy in our day-to-day activities from personal to company levels, from small offices to big industrial sites. At the same time, because of massive carbon emissions and global warming, we strive to reduce energy usage. But is there another way? Is there any way to use energy without the harmful effect on our environment? Hydrogen and Ammonia are at the focal point for carbon-free fuels. But some debates are happening around this claim that Hydrogen and Ammonia are carbon-free fuels. This is an area that needs massive attention and deep-dive discussion and research.
This training course has been designed to address all the questions around Ammonia and Hydrogen and if they are carbon-free fuels. The delegates understand the different aspects of zero-carbon fuels, focusing on Hydrogen and Ammonia, from its production and its usage to its effect on the economy and what we need to know. This will talk about how we can use this aspect for enabling our sustainable future.
By the end of this training course, the participants will learn to:
- Understand the zero-carbon fuels
- Plan for a shift toward carbon-free industry
- Apply Hydrogen as zero-carbon fuels and its requirements
- Understand the need for reducing carbon emission in industry and how to use this concept
- Take advantage of this fuel for reducing the carbon emission for our industry
The participants on this training course will receive thorough training utilising a variety of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques includes online presentation and media, discussion, problem-solving and group activities.
Organisations can benefit tremendously by sending their employees to this training. Some of these benefits are summarised here, but it is not limited to:
- Equipping employees with knowledge and practical wisdom in the carbon-free energy area
- Training leaders to enable reducing carbon emission while reducing the cost of transition
- Reducing the cost of the carbon tax by training employees to know the principle and practical knowledge of this new emerging industry
- Training employees for a seamless transition to a sustainable future without additional cost
- A cost-effective and productive way to create successful leaders and team workers while learning about an emerging industry
Employees benefits are massive, like the following:
- Learning a new skill that enables massive career growth
- Learning a new set of skills in Hydrogen and be ready for the next big shift
- Learning a skill that is in high demand and will stay in high order in the next couple of decades
- Finding the niche expertise that enables different leading projects in this area
- Learning the skill and knowledge to leading the company shift toward a hydrogen economy
- Being part of a great network of professionals in this area for future collaboration
This training course is designed to give individuals knowledge about reducing carbon emission by industry and whoever is interested in this aspect. In addition, it is suitable for whoever is thinking about using Hydrogen or Ammonia as a fuel in their process.
This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals and will greatly benefit:
- Professionals who are working in the Energy Sector
- Innovators and Entrepreneurs who want to use carbon-free fuels in their process
- Managers or Engineers who want to reduce the carbon emission of their company drastically with minimum investment
- Anyone who wants to open a new opportunity to work in this emerging industry
- Anybody who is concern about the environmental impact of carbon emission
- What is Embedded Carbon?
- Different types of fuels and their actual embedded carbon
- Different types of emissions when dealing with fuels
- Zero Carbon Fuel
- Hydrogen and Ammonia Production
- Hydrogen as Fuel
- Advantage and limitations of Hydrogen as fuel
- Required Infrastructure
- How to make this shift?
- Requirements and Barriers
- Why green source of fuel?
- Hydrogen and Ammonia is carbon-free?
- Same hydrogen and ammonia but different levels of Carbon Emission
- The simple way to reduce the carbon emission
- Carbon-free Fuel in Manufacturing
- What are the requirements for this shift?
- Does it need big investment and big change?
- New opportunities and limitations
- Is there any other approach for using Hydrogen as fuel?
- Which methods are better?
- How have they done this shift?
- How much economic gain?
- Lessons we learn from success cases
- Is this a necessary shift?
- Is this approach a good choice for us?