The ever-increasing pressure for governments, corporations, and the communities at-large to meet the target of Zero Net Emissions by 2050 requires the urgent need to decarbonize the electricity generation. Given that the time to 2050 from today is about 25 years and the cycle of new technology to move from the research laboratory to the market and becomes scalable is also about 25 years, if not more, the importance and significance of solar photovoltaic technologies for electricity generation to meet the previously mentioned target are unquestionable. From the near low importance system level contribution of solar PV of 5-10kW size, we have now moved to Megawatts and Gigawatts scale of solar PV systems integrated with electricity grids. However, for both small roof top type systems to utility giga scale ones, their performance depends upon understanding the operation of the complex photovoltaic devices and the way they are used to build large scale systems.
Analysis, modeling and simulation of both solar photovoltaic devices and systems are the most crucial skills required for an optimized design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the systems to ensure maximum energy yield hence income, and highest performance hence maximum life system expectancy.
This PV Modelling Simulation and Analysis training course provides the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to ensure that participants gain not just the understanding of solar PV technologies but also master them.
This Energy Training Centre training course will highlight:
- The circuit level model of a solar PV cell, module, array, and its performance that varies according to a number of parameters including temperature that is a crucial parameter to the system design.
- The importance of understanding the series connection of solar PV cells, modules, panels, and arrays is affected by just a single component and hence design optimization is crucial.
- The design philosophy of a given system based on the location and local weather conditions that affect not just the performance but also the maintenance and the operation of the system itself.
- The difference in the modelling thinking between assessing available solar resources and system component selection, and architecture that ultimately would affect reliability.
- The significance of energy yield predicted by simulation and software and its comparison with the actual system output that reveals vital information regarding the state of health of system components and the required actions linked to predicted maintenance.
By the end of this PV Modelling Simulation and Analysis training course, participants will be able to:
- Understand the solar photovoltaic device and its physics theory to generate electricity from the sun.
- Discuss critically the advantages and drawbacks of various photovoltaic silicon and non-silicon-based devices.
- Select for a given location solar PV panels from the market where the overwhelming data and specifications of such panels would require a multiple criteria-based decision-making process.
- Evaluate for the selected solar PV panels the performance of a system designed based on a specific architecture.
- Utilize forecasting methods to continually assess the energy yield of the system in order to develop energy market trading procedures.
Participants to this PV Modelling Simulation and Analysis training course will receive a thorough training on the subjects covered by the seminar outline with the Tutor utilising a variety of proven adult learning, teaching, and facilitation techniques. Training course methodology includes the use of digital media, sourcing actual materials regarding specifications and performance of devices and systems available in the market. Use of actual manufacturer information to deliver for a selected location a complete system design where delegates have to decide all the key parameters. Delegates would be able to support with evidence and fully justify their decision against criteria such as cost and in particular life cycle cost.
A leading world class organization has access to talent that is continually seeking knowledge and such talent is ready to update their skills as expected. The renewable energy sector is poised to continue to grow in the decades ahead. Such leading world class organization will enhance the skills and knowledge of its employees who spend their time performing tasks that are more relevant to the company’s goals after completing this training course.
The organization will benefit from this PV Modelling Simulation and Analysis training course through:
- Having talented employees who have been exposed to the latest technology developments would result in optimum solar PV system design when it comes to performance, energy yield, and revenue.
- Understanding the complexity of the behavior of the devices and systems and developing state of the art solutions would deliver lower turnaround time of the project delivery.
- Improving and justifying technology selections for a given project that would reduce the investment risk and increase the return on investment.
- Getting employees with the most advanced skills and tools naturally propels the organization continually ahead maintaining its leading status.
Upon completion of this training course, the participants will be able to:
- Access knowledge of the latest technologies in solar PV system design through detailed modeling, analysis, and simulation.
- Assess risk and fine tune skills to perform energy yield calculations something so crucial for the investment and successful operation of the project.
- Gain confidence on selecting the most appropriate components and system design through real market product selection.
- Design a realistic system requiring real world data and face actual realities for the challenges involved with the manipulation of data from different sources.
- Evaluate different scenarios for system design and the performance enhancements to be gained through more accurate modeling of devices and systems.
This training course is designed for energy professionals, engineers, or those with a background in aspects of designing and operating solar PV systems. Many power professionals can benefit from quickly adding solar to their portfolio of skills.
This PV Modelling Simulation and Analysis training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Engineering and technical professionals working in the power and energy sector
- Utility engineers and relevant utility department directors who are in charge with assessing solar photovoltaic projects and issue licensing to connect
- Professionals in charge to perform due diligence for a solar PV project and about to write power purchasing agreements and the energy yield is crucial
- Design engineers involved in solar PV deployment for utility scale and household alike
Day One: Solar PV Device Modelling
- Development of solar PV devices
- Understanding physics of solar PV devices
- Silicon, thin film, and other types of photovoltaic devices
- Modeling of solar PV performance
- Cell degradation mechanisms of Si
- Module degradation mechanism of Si
- Degradation of thin film photovoltaics
- Assessment of solar PV technologies
Day Two: Solar PV System Modelling
- Module characteristics
- Panel characteristics
- Array characteristics
- Inverters and DC-DC converters
- Maximum power point tracking
- Batteries and other energy storage technologies
- Solar farm support through energy storage
- System modeling and decision making
Day Three: Solar Resource Assessment and System Component Selection
- Online solar data sources
- Appreciating data and frequency availability issues
- Resource availability and location
- Understanding the impact of weather data
- Modeling of daily and seasonal solar irradiance variability
- Forecasting solar availability
- Market based multi-criteria decision-making
- Selection of system components
Day Four: Solar PV System Design
- System specifications and requirements
- Evaluation of selected system components
- System integration prior to grid interconnection
- Energy storage and solar PV performance
- Evaluation of alternative system architectures
- Solar farm location layout impact
Day Five: Performance and Energy Yield of Solar PV Systems
- Temperature impact on performance
- Sun tracing impact
- Selection of MPPT algorithms
- DC-yield estimation
- DC to AC conversion
- Energy yield referred to AC side