This Certified Training & Development Specialist training course is an essential choice for any training and development professional who wants to keep up to date with the latest and vital competencies required in the rapidly changing workplace environment. But simply, you can not afford to miss this exciting development opportunity. The role of the Training Professional is constantly changing. Changing to meet new demands, new technology, new challenges and new audiences. This practical and exciting course will equip you to develop your professional skills as a Training and Development Specialist.
This Energy Training Centre training course encompasses all the core areas of training and development including measurement & evaluation, the development of effective objectives and the latest developments in the area. It will enable participants to not only have a better practical approach to training and development, but also to fully understand how things work and are measured and how all training and development activities can be developed in line with world best practices.
By the end of this training course, the participants will be able to:
- Develop effective training and development programmes
- Learn how to analyse and evaluate training
- Use the latest proven techniques and models of adult learning
- Be able to use the latest proven techniques and models
- Understand how to identify learning styles and their contribution to development
This Energy Training Centre training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes stimulating presentations supporting each of the topics together with interactive trainer lead sessions of discussion.
There will also be many practical sessions where participants can practice and experience course-related activities. Practical exercises, case studies, short video presentations, small group work and feedback will be used to facilitate learning.
This Certified Training & Development Specialist training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Training, Learning & Development Staff
- Training Managers
- All HR Staff
- Training Budget Holders
- Succession Planners and those responsible for people development
- Experienced training, learning and development staff who want to refresh their skills
- Anyone involved in talent management, Nationalisation programmes, business partnering or on-the-job training
Day One: The Added-Value of Training & Development
- The Need for Training to Produce Measurable Results
- The Training Cycle (Analysis, Design, Develop, Conduct, Evaluate)
- Aligning Training and Development to Meet Business Objectives
- Kirkpatrick's Levels of Evaluation
- Calculating a Cost-benefit and the Return on Investment (ROI)
Day Two: How People Learn and Barriers to Learning
- How Adults Learn: Andragogy?
- How to Measure Learning Styles and the Limitations of Learning Styles?
- The Limitations of Testing Personality
- The Use of Aptitude Testing
- Overcoming Learning Problems - Why some people have difficulty in learning?
Day Three: Constructing Training & Development Activities
- Understanding Knowledge, Skills & Attitude
- What are learning outcome objectives and why do we need them?
- Writing Objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Internal vs. External Training Provision
- Coaching & Mentoring
Day Four: Training Needs Analysis – Becoming a Learning Organisation
- What is training needs analysis?
- Identifying and Meeting Learning Needs
- How to prioritise training needs?
- Redefining Organisational Learning for Your Organisation
- Essential Steps to Becoming a Learning Organisation
Day Five: Critical Issues in Training, Learning, and Development
- Should training functions be profit centres?
- Differentiating Succession Planning & Talent Management
- The Role of Educational Credentials in Training and Education
- Learning and the Younger Generations – Generation Why?
- Personal Action Planning